Dear Indie Author Friend,
You are a writer. A creator. A dreamer.
But, you’re so much more.
You’re a savvy entrepreneur who understands the need to roll up your sleeves and work hard to achieve those dreams of yours. You understand the value of refining and polishing your words for your readers.
An editor is an investment in your book, your readers, your career and your future.
My name is Joy, and I’m here to partner with you for that future, from developmental edit through line edits to the final polish.
Are You Ready for the Red Pen?
What does this look like?
Honestly, it will look like whatever you need it to look like. For most authors, we will embark on a two- or three-part journey together where we begin with the broad, big-picture issues and work our way down to the tiniest commas and periods with all their might.
I will complete an overall developmental edit;
You will make revisions based on those edits;
I will edit once or twice more; and then
You will review those edits.
How long will it take?
We will decide during the initial evaluation, but anywhere from two to six months with three months being the most common length. Some authors may need more time between steps, and we can certainly discuss that during the evaluation.
How much does it cost?
As a fellow Indie Author, I completely understand the frustration and heartache that goes along with all the upfront costs we face for publication. Editing shouldn’t be something you have to go without, though. So, I have kept my prices as low as possible for you and created payment plans that should work for any budget. See below for all Packages and Payment Plans.
Who is this service for?
My focus is on Indie Authors. While I have edited for those seeking traditional publication (and might consider it again in the future), I decided to focus my attention on authors like me. We need a little extra help in the editing department, since we won’t have an editing team ready to accept our manuscript after our own revisions and self-editing. That’s where I come in! I happen to love working alongside an author all the way through to publication, and I look forward to being part of your team for this book—and many more.
Please note: Logos & Mythos Press is not publishing your work. This is strictly an editing service available to Indie Authors.
What type of work will be edited?
I edit fiction, nonfiction and short stories of all types. The details below pertain to all fiction genres, memoirs and narrative nonfiction (true accounts told in storytelling fashion). For editing details for informative nonfiction, see Packages below.
Please note: I will not edit erotica or anything glorifying demonic or Wiccan activities and rituals.
What’s the first step?
Initial Consultation
At any point, just click on one of my red “Book Now!” buttons to contact me. Let me know
What kind of book you’re working on,
Where you are in the process and
When you plan to publish.
I will check my calendar to see what availabilities I have, and we’ll go from there. Because I commit myself to providing the highest quality service for each of my clients, I only take a few each year. Often, authors will book far in advance as well. If I do have an opening, we’ll discuss a few more details concerning your manuscript and then I’ll give you the details for our next step.
I will request specific selections of your manuscript for an evaluation. This way I can make sure you are ready for edits and I am the best person to help you. This will also allow you a glimpse into working with me as your editor to make sure you’re comfortable and confident.
Once we’re agreed on our timeline, we will both sign a detailed contract to protect one another.
What comes next?
Developmental Edit
I will complete a developmental edit for your manuscript, including (but not limited to): plot holes, character issues and inconsistencies, theme clarity, voice, overall structure, problem scenes or other irregularities. I will also point out any potential copyright/legal issues (use of trademarked brand names, copied song lyrics, etc.) and provide you a list of common grammar or style issues I noticed.
Author’s Final Revisions
At this point, it’s your turn again! You will take my notes and suggestions and revise your manuscript once more. This is the step that leads to a variable in the overall timeline. How quickly you revise will determine our total time together. This is why we will work together to determine our timeline before the contract is finalized.
Once you complete that final big revision, we get to the fun stuff!
Line Edits
I will go back through and provide line edits, focusing on sentence structure, agreement, flow, overused or misused words and unnecessary wordiness. I will pay close attention to your openings and endings and scene transitions.
Author Acceptance
You will take the reins once more, choosing to accept or deny each change I’ve made. At this point, you should feel satisfied with your story as a whole. It is almost ready for release, but we have one final step together.
I will give it its final polish. Letter by letter, comma by blessed comma, I will comb through once more for any missing or mixed-up pieces and put them back where they belong. Along with this final step, I will happily proofread your book’s front and back matter as well as your blurb.
Please note: In regards to these parts of your book (front and back matter and blurb), this will simply be a check for spelling errors and misplaced punctuation, not a content edit of them. I do offer a more detailed overhaul of those for an added—though discounted—fee, if you book that along with your manuscript editing package.
Now, it’s time for you to release your story into the world. I will be cheering you both on!
Am I the editor for you?
If you’ve read this far and you like the sound of what I offer, chances are high you’ll like the way I work. But, the evaluation is free and not a binding agreement; so what’ve you got to lose?
Basically, my desire is to be part of your authorpreneur team. I want to build a relationship with you and work with you on all your books and stories. I also want to help you become an even better writer. You will find, after we’ve worked together on a few books, that I make fewer suggestions and edits.
Why? As I mentioned, I will give you a list of common grammar, style and punctuation mistakes you make. Plus, you’ll have a list of overused or misused words. Once you’ve seen those same corrections a few times, you’ll start catching them yourself … or won’t even make them in the first place!
What makes me unique?
This service is about far more than simply editing your words. This service is about making you the best author you can be. It’s about helping you stand out in the sea of stories.
At the end of our journey, I hope to be far more than your editor. I will be your cheerleader, fan and partner for all the stories you have to tell.
I come to you with nearly two decades of editing experience, with the last several focused on fiction and nonfiction book editing. I have extensive experience in journalistic and editorial writing, public relations and content copy, business writing and creative writing of short stories and books of various lengths and genres. My name is Joy E. Rancatore, and I’m just like you:
An Indie Author with a dream and the determination to make it come true.
I’m sitting by—red pen poised—anxious to begin …
editing with quality for you.
Time for the good stuff!
Indie Author Manuscript Editing Package
This package covers everything shown in the timeline above, including emails or phone calls with each stage. Should you require only two of the three steps, the price remains the same.
The package includes any size full-length manuscript (novella or novel, fiction, memoir or narrative nonfiction); however, if you have more than 150,000 words—and aren’t writing an epic fantasy—you likely aren’t ready for an editor quite yet. We will discuss the specifications of your manuscript prior to the evaluation.
Blurb Assistance
Discount available when booked in conjunction with the Indie Author Manuscript Editing Package.
Informative Nonfiction Manuscript
Editing Package
This package focuses on informative nonfiction books (see above for memoir and narrative nonfiction).
During the first round of edits, I will focus on the order, clarity and purpose of your content. We will make sure you are addressing all the questions of your topic and providing your readers with satisfying answers. I will also identify any repetitive grammar issues and will provide a style sheet, if needed. The second round will address all grammar, syntax and flow issues. The third round will focus on punctuation edits and end with a final proof.
Short Story Editing
Limited Availability. Email for more information.
Front & Back Matter Content Edit
Discount available when booked in conjunction with the Indie Author Manuscript Editing Package.
Payment Plans
I offer SIX different payment plans for the Indie Author Manuscript Editing Package.
Please note: The first two payment plans are available for all editing packages.
Full Investment Plan
Perhaps you’ve been saving a while for editing and you’re ready to pay it all upfront. You can pay $5700 at the return of a signed contract and $300 due prior to final edit release (Nonfiction: $3800 and $200). (Other packages: Final $25-$50 due prior to final edit release.)
Half & Half Plan
Half ($3000 or $2000 for manuscript editing package) due at the return of a signed contract; half ($3000 or $2000 for manuscript editing package) due prior to final edit release.
Three-Month Plan
$2000/month due on either the 1st or 15th of the month for 3 months, with the final payment due prior to final edit release. (Nonfiction: $1400, $1400, $1200)
Extended Payment Plans
With editing dates booked ahead of time, monthly installments are due on either the 1st or 15th of the month, with the final payment due prior to final edit release. A contract complete with timeline and options for altering that timeline will be signed prior to the first payment. The combination of the contract and first payment locks in the services, so no refunds may be delivered. Options include:
5 months: $1200/month (Nonfiction: $800/month)
6 months: $1000/month ($6000 package only)
10 months $600/month (Nonfiction: $400/month)